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Les traversées de contrées magnifiques, loin des autoroutes et des mégalopoles
Our Recent Posts
U.S. Route 20 en 8 minutes
U.S. Route 20 has been an amazing journey. This 8 minutes video is a quick view of the trip. You can go back to the posts for more, and...
During the 2 precedent seasons, we went from Albany NY to Albany OR in 20 days on US Route 20. During the 2 precedent seasons, we went...
Ce blog n'aurait pas été possible sans l'aide précieuse de Laura Thank you so much for being totally supportive of this project ! I love...
Albany Oregon 9/11
One hard question is how to finish this voyage on the blog. I probably will post a last one tonight in Newport, at the end/beginning of...
Bouquet final !
Today has been the Grand Finale ! Started hard, cold and maybe troubled by the fact that tonight I will be at the end of this route I...
Leaving Burns Oregon
7:30 AM PST - Time to be on the road again. Oregon is a discovery. It's 3°C - 37°F. I wear all my clothes. Not sure it will be enough....
Deja vu... but I take it all
Deja vu, yes, but today was also a new discovery of part of Oregon and I take it all. C'est un fait, plus j'avance dans ce voyage, plus...
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