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An American road trip

« there is one historic highway where it is still possible to get in touch with the glory days of the American road trip. U.S. Route 20 covers 3,365 miles from Boston, Massachusetts, to Newport, Oregon. It is currently the longest highway in the country…

Whether you are a road-trip purist or someone seeking to check “driving the longest highway in the U.S.” off of a bucket list, Route 20 holds innumerable possibilities. The road allows you to come face-to-face with some of the most famous cities, charming towns, and scenic landscapes in the country… Route 20 passes through Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho and Oregon. It includes stops in Boston, Toledo, Chicago, Gary, Sioux City, Casper, Boise and two different cities named Albany (one in New York and the other in Oregon)….

Whether you are seeking two-lane romance or just trying to hit as many attractions as possible during your drive, Route 20 remains an ideal option for an epic American road trip. »

Il existe une route historique où il est encore possible de croiser la belle histoire d’un road trip américain authentique. De Boston, Massachussetts à Newport, Oregon, US Route 20 est longue 5 415 km. C’est la plus longue route des Etats-Unis. Mise en place en 1926, elle a été améliorée jusqu’à devenir une autoroute dans certains États. Néanmoins, il reste possible de suivre son tracé originel sur des routes à deux voies, traversant des villages et des petites villes du Midwest où les touristes se font rares et où les visiteurs sont toujours bienvenus.

Les paysages variés et pour certains époustouflants au long des 12 États qu’elle traverse font de la US Route 20 un voyage unique.

Goldwing 20/20

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